Fertility Foods for Men: 8 Superfoods that men should add to their diets when trying to conceive

There is an infinite amount of pressure on women to ensure our health is in tip top condition when planning to conceive as well as during pregnancy - but how about the counterpart to this little equation? Male fertility accounts for upwards of 30% of all fertility issues, with numbers on the rise. 

Whilst being sure to take regular exercise and reduce stress, can diet impact sperm quality and quantity?

Quite simply, yes, diet and lifestyle has a significant impact on sperm health. A balanced lifestyle consisting of exercise, nutrient rich foods, avoidance of drugs, excess alcohol consumption and smoking have all been shown to increase a mans fertility and boost your chances of conceiving naturally.

Healthy semen should be rich in the full amnio acid spectrum as well as 22 other vitamins and minerals, such as Vitamins B, C& D, calcium, magnesium and zinc.

My Top 10 Fertility foods for Men:


Rich in Zinc and Protein which has been proven to improve sperm production in numerous studies. Low levels of zinc in men is linked to lower testosterone levels as  well as poor sperm quality; both vital for conception. Other, not seafood based sources include turkey and pumpkin seeds.

2. EGGS 

The ultimate powerhouse for aiding fertility. Rich in protein, which is made up of amino acids such as L-arginine, L-carnitine and L-lysine all play a vital role in producing excellent semen. Amino acid, L-arginine helps to produce nitric oxide, which dilates blood vessels and improves circulation as well as playing an important roll in cell division, immune function and the release of hormones. 


These little beans are packed with Folate (a B-vitamin), which is just as important for men as it is for women. Folate aids in protecting sperm from DNA damage, including having too many or too few chromosomes. Other options include green leafy vegetables, asparagus, beans, fortified cereals and milks as well as oranges and orange juice.


Vitamin D is a vital component to everyone’s overall health, supporting immune function and the continued development of bones and teeth. Vitamin D also supports the absorption of calcium. The body can produce its of Vitamin D, synthesised through exposure to sunlight, but as we do not also get enough, a diet rich in foods that contain this vitamin as well as a supplement might be beneficial. Vitamin D aids a man’s fertility by decreasing levels of DNA damage, structural abnormalities and antibodies in sperm that can impair quality.


It is thought that male infertility can be the result of a selenium deficiency seen through the absence of this mineral, resulting in testicular tissue degeneration which results in the impairment of sperm motility.  However, in a double-blind study of infertile men with reduced sperm motility, supplementation with selenium (100 mcg per day for three months) significantly increased sperm motility. Brazil nuts are great natural source of this vital nutrient, with only 3 nuts providing a little over the recommended 100mcg per day. 


This strange looking nut is packed with a decent amount of Omega 3 and these essential fatty acids are vital for sperm health. Omega 3 works to give sperm flexibility, aiding its ability to penetrate the female egg. Studies have shown that men with low sperm counts tend to also be deficient in Omega 3 or inadequate ratios of Omega-3 to Omega-6 (3 being anti-inflammatory and 6 being inflammatory when out of balance). A Mediterranean diet, rich in lean proteins, healthy fats and fruits and veg has been shown to boost fertility in both men and women - naturally high in Omega-3. 


Sperm needs to have enough stored energy to make the epic journey to the female egg in order for successful fertilisation. A sufficent intake of the amino acid, L-carnitine, helps to support this energy production by carrying high-energy fat compounds into mitochondria cells, where they are burned to release their energy. It is important to note the L-carnitine is only found in animal products so vegans will need to supplement. Another great option is a whey based protein powder, added to smoothies and shakes.


Finally, antioxidants are an incredibly important element of a healthy balanced diet, their role in fertility, amongst others is to protects the health of the head of the sperm which contains the DNA, from free radical damage. Berries are rich in ellagic acid a compound that fights carcinogens as well as a decline in cognitive function. Other antioxidant rich options include tomatoes, green tea and peppers. 


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