Mindset & Motivation

Where does your motivation to exercise and eat healthily come from? Does it stem from feelings of needing to be admired or to portray a certain image of yourself the fits with a society ‘norm’? Are you in a pre/postnatal stage of your life and want to feel connected with a part of yourself that feels lost?

If any of these are familiar it can be a challenge to truly enjoy the process and to find the type of movement and nutrition that best serves you.

I have been there and it wasn’t until I started to work alongside athletes that I saw that their awesome bodies were the pay off for the skills that they were honing.

To create long term habitual changes and a passion for exercises and healthy eating, shifting from an aestheical goal oriented mindset (which there is NOTHING wrong with by the way) to more skill based, can actually help you reach your goals quicker when focus isn’t so singular! Finally, for every goal think of something you are grateful for or love about yourself; because breeding self love opposed to self hate could be the most important element on a health a fitness journey!

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In time when you reach your skill based goals your aesthetical goals will be a by-product of the hard work it has taken to achieve them. You can become your own inspiration with less focus on looking a certain way but feeling a certain way!

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Use this blank example template to guide your goals and skills.


A Plant based diet: Are you getting enough Iron?


Recipe: Tofu Scramble